2. 実績
  3. 専門書籍・論文・学会発表
  4. Fascial Manipulationが自律神経均衡度および心身の活動に及ぼす影響@第76回日本自律神経学会総会in埼玉


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筋膜が自律神経に及ぼす影響 fascialmanipulationと自律神経 筋膜マニピュレーションと自律神経

Fascial Manipulationが自律神経均衡度および心身の活動に及ぼす影響@第76回日本自律神経学会総会in埼玉


昨年に続き、2023年10月28日,29日に埼玉県で開催された第76回日本自律神経学会総会にて、『Fascial Manipulationが自律神経均衡度および心身の活動に及ぼす影響』について、報告させていただきました。

FascialManipulatuinが自律神経に与える影響 筋膜と自律神経の関係 筋膜リリースが自律神経に与える影響


ただ、臨床場面ではFascial Manipulation®︎による介入後にも、「食欲が増す」「お通じが良くなる」「眠気が強くなる」などの自律神経活動の変化と思われるような反応を示すことが多いんです。

胸椎を動かすような運動療法も、筋膜に対する徒手療法も、どちらの介入もカラダを変化させ自律神経系に作用している可能性はあるのですが、脊柱の運動療法とFascial Manipulationを比較した報告は世界中を探してもありません。


自律神経均衡度は心拍変動を簡易的に解析するMedicore社製スマートパルスを使用し、Fascial Manipulationによる評価と介入は、イタリアFascial Manipulation協会が定める認定スペシャリストである理学療法士が実施しました。

Fascial Manipulationの方が交感神経活動が抑えられ、自律神経均衡度が良くなりました

FascialManipulatuinが自律神経に与える影響 筋膜と自律神経の関係 筋膜リリースが自律神経に与える影響


・肯定的気分の点数 → 増加
・「抑うつ・不安」、「無気力」の点数 → 減少


考察としては、Fascial Manipulationによって自律神経均衡度が変化した理由は、筋膜には感覚受容器が包埋されており1)、ルフィ二小体を刺激することで交感神経活動が抑制された2)、ことなどが影響したと考えています。



もちろんFascial Manipiulation後に体の内部で本当にそんなことが起きているのかどうかは確かではありませんが、今後は研究機関と協力してより詳しい解析にも挑戦していきたいなと思っています。




1)Suarez-Rodriguez V, Fede C, Pirri C, Petrelli L, Loro-Ferrer JF, Rodriguez-Ruiz D, De Caro R, Stecco C. Fascial Innervation: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 18;23(10):5674. )

2)Schleip R. Fascial plasticity: a new neurobiological explanation. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 2003 Jan;7(1):11–19.

3)Hori M, Shimoju R, Tokunaga R, Ohkubo M, Miyabe S, Ohnishi J, Murakami K, Kurosawa M. Tickling increases dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adolescent rats. Neuroreport. 2013 Mar 27;24(5):241-5.








Hello. This is Nakamura from Trigger School.

Continuing from last year, I had the pleasure of reporting on “The Influence of Myofascial Manipulation on Autonomic nervous balance and Psychosomatic Activity” at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Autonomic Neurology held in Saitama, Japan on October 28 and 29, 2023.

In our previous study, we reported that spinal exercises may increase the flexion range of motion of the thoracic spine and may also suppress sympathetic nerve activity and decrease anxiety mood. (The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Autonomic Neurology, 2022)

However, in clinical situations, even after intervention with Fascial Manipulation®︎, I often see responses that seem to be changes in autonomic nervous system activity, such as “increased appetite,” “improved bowel movements,” and “increased sleepiness.

It is possible that both interventions, such as thoracic spine movement and manual therapy on the fascia, change the body and act on the autonomic nervous system, but there are no reports comparing spinal movement therapy and Fascial Manipulation anywhere in the world.

Therefore, in this study, we decided to examine the effects of each intervention method on autonomic nervous system activity and mind-body activity, and to test which intervention method is more effective in treating autonomic nervous system activity disturbances.

The autonomic balance level was determined using the Medicore Smart Pulse, a simple analysis of heart rate variability, and the Fascial Manipulation assessment and intervention were performed by a physiotherapist, a certified specialist as defined by the Italian Fascial Manipulation Association.

In conclusion, compared to spinal exercise therapy Fascial Manipulation reduced sympathetic activity and improved autonomic nervous balance.

Other effects on the body and mind include

Positive mood scores → increased
scores for depression/anxiety and lethargy → decreased

The results also showed changes in the emotional aspects of the patients’ lives.

The reason for the change in autonomic nervous system equilibrium by Fascial Manipulation is that fascia contains sensory receptors1), and stimulation of the ruffini bodies suppressed sympathetic nerve activity2).

In addition, the improved gliding of the fascia released unnecessary traction and friction on the sensory receptors, and the afferent signals from the somatic nervous system were altered, which may have had an effect on the excitation of the central nervous system.

The improvement of positive mood and changes in negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, and lethargy may have been influenced by the inhibition of sympathetic nerve activity, as well as changes in brain regions involved in emotion due to touch stimulation, such as the effect of touch stimulation on the nucleus accumbens, which stimulates dopamine secretion and increases pleasant emotions3).

Of course, it is not certain whether such things are really happening inside the body after Fascial Manipulation, but I would like to challenge more detailed analysis in cooperation with research institutes in the future.

I had many questions and comments from many professors from research institutes and universities, and it was a valuable experience that will lead to my future clinical practice and research.

Next year, I will be presenting in Kyoto!
