慢性の胸痛に対する内部機能障害を考慮したFascial Manipulationの効果@第12回日本運動器理学療法学会学術大会
『慢性の胸痛に対する内部機能障害を考慮したFascial Manipulationの効果』
胸痛を訴えるにもかかわらず、心臓にその原因となりうる器質的な疾患が存在しない疾患群の総称を非心臓性胸痛(non-cardiac chest pain)といい、健康診断でも異常がなかったことから本症例も非心臓性の胸痛であった可能性がありました。
慢性疼痛に対する徒手療法のエビデンスは低いとされていますが、臨床上、Fascial Manipulationによる介入により痛みが軽減するといったことも多く経験しており、今回は胸痛に対してFascial Manipulationを用いて介入させていただきました。
Fascial Manipulationでは
今回は「胸痛」という臨床上対応する機会の少ない不調に対して、Fascial Manipulationによる介入が功を奏した経験を報告させていただきました。
I had the pleasure of presenting at the 12th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy held in Yokohama on September 14-15!
The theme was “Effectiveness of Fascial Manipulation for Chronic Chest Pain Considering Internal Dysfunction”.
I reported a case study of a patient who had been suffering from chest pain for 12 years.
Non-cardiac chest pain is a general term for a group of patients who complain of chest pain but do not have any organic disease that can cause it in the heart.
Although a possible cause has been suggested to be related to gastrointestinal disease, a relationship with the musculoskeletal system and psychological aspects has also been reported, and the detailed pathophysiology has not yet been clarified.
Although the evidence for manual therapy for chronic pain is considered low, we have experienced many cases of pain reduction through Fascial Manipulation intervention in our clinical practice, and this time we used Fascial Manipulation for chest pain.
I have come up with two simple hypotheses that led to chest pain.
One is a compensatory pattern of fascial pain originating from musculoskeletal dysfunction, and the other is a compensatory pattern of fascial pain originating from internal dysfunction.
In Fascial Manipulation:
・Symptoms are not induced or aggravated by specific movements.
・The extent of symptoms is unclear.
・The patient feels abnormal peristalsis of internal organs.
In these cases, we decided to proceed with evaluation and intervention under Hypothesis 2 in order to consider the influence of internal dysfunction.
After four interventions, the chest pain that had appeared at least once a month disappeared.
The accompanying symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and headache also disappeared.
In order to track the long-term effects of the treatment, the presence or absence of chest pain and accompanying symptoms was checked again about one year later, and the symptoms remained resolved more than one year after the treatment.
This time, I reported our experience of successful intervention by Fascial Manipulation for “chest pain,” a disorder that is rarely treated clinically.
I hope that this report will be of help to therapists, as there are many cases in which even musculoskeletal disorders are caused by internal dysfunctions such as organ malfunctions.
TRIGGER will continue to promote research on fascial and autonomic nervous systems in order to provide higher quality and more effective approaches!